Grilled Potatoes
4 Russet Potatoes
1 Tbsp oil
1Tbsp Garlic Powder
Salt and Pepper
¼ cup Heavy Cream or Chicken Broth
1 Tbsp Chopped Garlic
¼ Cup of Scallions
1 cup Colby Jack Cheese (or your fav)
3 Tbsp butter (room temp)
¼ Sour Cream
Steps to prepare
Preheat grill to 350 degrees
Cut potatoes in half
Season with Salt, Pepper and Garlic Powder
Rub oil over
Lay potatoes flesh side down on the grill
Grill for about 40 minutes (or until fork goes through easily)
Remove from the grill and let cool
Once cooled
Remove flesh and put in a bowl, leaving peeling intact (if the flesh that was on the grilled is charred or hard, discard)
Combine the rest of the ingredients with the potatoes (reserving ¼ cup of cheese) and mix well
Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and add empty potato shells
Add mixture to empty potato shells and spread remaining cheese on top
Cover with foil and return to the grill
To keep the potatoes from burning on the bottom, place a disposable muffin pan upside down on the grill and set the cookie sheet with the potatoes on top.
Cook for about 10 minutes or until heated through and cheese has melted
Say Your Grace ^_^
*To funk up the potatoes, add
Sauteed Mushrooms